Summer Garden Veggies

Happy to report our Brooding Hen’s success: 14 Chicklets! 
7 each, pecking with their Moms in the yard of the 4th Little Pigs House.

Summer Garden Veggies currently available:

Sweet Corn on the Cob, Broccoli, Beets, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Summer Squash-Green & Yellow, Swiss Chard & Kale (from Wilson Farm)

🙁 We have just run out of ripened Tomatoes and Eggs for the day (Sunday 8/14/16)  sorry… Expecting more tomorrow!

Making Pickles, Pesto, Relish?

Lots of Basil, Parsley and Glads in Bernadette's Garden
Lots of Basil, Parsley and Glads in Bernadette’s Garden
Gaily Glorious Glads!
Gaily Glorious Glads!


Lots of Fresh Herbs to be cut: Basil, Chives, Dill, Garlic Chives, Horseradish (leaves and/or root), Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Sage, Thyme

Gaily, Glorious Glads – to grace your place!


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