Lawnmowers and Cheery Flowers!

The boys did a great job mowing this morning! Though they are happy to do it I appreciate their efforts; Lancer the Weather Horse and Blackness or Beau as we call him.

The Weather Horse and Beau
The Weather Horse and Beau
Lawnmower Boys
Lawnmower Boys


Cheery Sunflowers and Gorgeous Glads from $1-$5 singles to bunches.

Sunflower Bunches
Sunflower Bunches

Beets, Broccoli, Cukes, Green Beans, Summer Squashes (yellow & green) and finally some Tomatoes in the garden and some in the fridge.
Swiss Chard & Kale (from Wilson Farm)
Let me know before you come and I can pick some fresh for you!

Herbs to cut for the ultimate freshness: lots of Basil, plenty of Chives, Parsley, Sage, Thyme & more

Sorry no Corn this weekend, prices going whacky, pushing $7 a dozen – we pass.

Our apologies to any one who came for eggs last week as we kept selling out. Look for the “eggs/no eggs” sign coming soon and if you buy the last dozen please “no eggs” the sign? There are currently two dozen left in the fridge as of Friday afternoon.

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Thank you all for your patronage and patience as methods get sorted & figured out!

The Weather Horse and Beau
The Weather Horse and Beau
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